

Invite guests

This is some text inside of a div block.

Guests are invited by an album administrator to add to the album either through a video call, self-recording or uploading a video. However, they cannot see or edit other content in the album.  

Guests may, for instance, be invited to share a story about an individual for their wedding, birthday or anniversary or even provide a testimonial.

If the administrator also would like a guest to view an album, they would need to send a separate link.  

A Guest may be invited from:
1. The 'send link' button in the video call tab to record over a video conference call, or
2. The 'invite guest' button in the record/upload tab to record or upload a video into the album.

In each case, an album administrator would copy the link (either to the video conference call or the record/upload portal) and share that link with the guest.

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