

Sharing and privacy settings

This is some text inside of a div block.

Generational Story’s privacy and sharing options, give you control over what you share and with whom.

‍To share a single individual clip, open the album. From here you have a few options:
1. From the clips menu, click the 3 dot menu option for that clip and click copy link to share with friends. or
2. Select the clip and look for the ‘Share Clip’ section beneath the video. Either click ‘copy link’ to share with friends or click ‘email’ and enter the specific email you would like to send the link to.

To designate a clip as private:
1. Web app: Go to clips menu, click the 3 dot menu option for that clip and ‘make private’, or
2. Web app or mobile app: Select the clip and set the toggle switch for privacy beneath the video to on

Clips marked private may not be shared individually or seen when an album is shared. This setting can be changed back to public by an administrator when desired.

When an album owner or contributor initiates an album download request, they have the option to include or exclude private clips in the download.

To share an entire album, open the album and:
1. Web app: Click on the ‘🔗 Copy link to album’ button in the top right corner, or
2. Mobile app: Click on the link icon (🔗) in the top righthand corner of the review screen to copy the link and share with friends.  

Anyone with the link can open the album for viewing and playing any clip that has not been designated as private by an administrator.


Album Contributors have full administrator access to view, edit and share and add to content in the album.  The owner determines who they trust to add as a contributors for each of their albums.

Copyright 2024 Generational Story